EM Group Chat #142: A Deep Dive Into Network Effects With Sameer Singh From Speedinvest

Group Chats
Network effects
Sameer Singh

Recording of the Everything Marketplaces Group Chat #142 (10/17) with Sameer Singh, who's a marketplace advisor & investor. Sameer is the "Creator" of Breadcrumb.vs, which is a leading resource for learning more about network effects. He also invests in early stage marketplaces through the Atomico Angel Program and as a Venture Partner at Speedinvest.

0:06 Intro
1:06 Sameer's background
2:31 What led Sameer to network effects & marketplaces
4:09 An overview of network effects or "network effects 101"
6:15 Examples of network effects with Airbnb & Uber
9:41 How early stage founders should think about network effects & metrics to use for measuring them
15:06 Network effects for B2B marketplaces
18:10 How Sameer is investing in early stage marketplaces
23:01 How Sameer evaluates marketplaces when investing as an angel vs. as a Venture Partner at Speedinvest
24:13 The markets that Sameer is investing in
25:06 Misconception with early stage marketplace founders around network effects
27:28 Group Q&A on embedding tools into customer workflows
29:18 Group Q&A on measuring liquidity & market expansion
31:02 Group Q&A on marketplace dynamics & factors for evaluating marketplaces
33:39 Group Q&A on the biggest mistakes marketplaces make with expansion
37:07 Parting tips for marketplace founders

Sameer on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sameer_singh17
Breadcrumb.vc: https://www.breadcrumb.vc
Speedinvest: https://www.speedinvest.com

You can also find this group chat in audio format as an episode on our new Everything Marketplaces podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You can also connect with marketplace founders & leaders from our group chats in the Everything Marketplaces community.