Community Coworking Days

Community Coworking Days

Announcements & Updates
August 2, 2023

The Everything Marketplaces community has quickly grown to almost 2,000 marketplace founders, teams, & leaders. With the growth of the community, we've been focused on doing more in-person events to create stronger connections, offer more support, & networking for founders in the community.

With this in mind, we're excited to announce our community coworking days. Our first coworking day will be in New York City on 8/24 at Codi's NYC office. We will have open desks for founders & teams in the community to work from throughout the day. We will also have a "lunch & learn", where we will have a surprise guest speaker join us for an informal discussion. We will wrap up our first coworking day with a happy hour for other marketplace founders & teams in New York City that might want to drop by after work to meet others, talk marketplaces, and network.

We would also like to give a big thanks to our past group chat guest Christelle Rohaut for partnering with us to start hosting our coworking days at some of the Codi office locations. You can see details & RSVP to join our first coworking day in the community here. Feel free to stay the whole day to work alongside other founders, drop by for the discussion during lunch, or join us after work for the happy hour.

We're excited to start hosting our coworking days for the community and plan to do them every month (or every other) in New York City, then San Francisco starting in September. You can find more details about our coworking days, along with all of our other events on our community calendar.

Not an Everything Marketplaces member? You can request access to join us here.